Backpacker Taxes Working Holiday Visas

For those who visit Australia with a Work and Holiday of Working Holiday Visa there is good news today.

Farmers relient on foreign labour are also pleased that a welcomed announcement has been mad about the highly controversial “backpacker tax.”

In 2015 the first idea from the Federal Budget was to tax working holiday makers as non-residents at a rate of 32.5%.

But realizing that this would deter backpackers from working on the farms – a petitin of 50,000 signatures helped change the decision.

In addition to the reduced tax rate the further change to the Working Holiday Visa application fee with the Department of Border Protection (DIBP) reduced by $50 to $390. The age limit is also increased from 30 to 35 years old.

Workers can be employed by one employer for up to 12 months and at two seperate locations.

There had been 16 months of uncertainty since the budget was introduced in 2015-16.

Backpackers contribute about AUD3.5 billion to the Australian economy and boost productivity in the both the agriculture and tourism spending.

Let’s help Working Holiday makers and Australians by making their work efforts worthwhilw.


William Crawford

Director / Migration Specialist